The Destroyer H.M.S. Trafalgar
St. Helier, Jersey.—On the afternoon of the 4th of April, 1953, the destroyer H.M.S. Trafalgar arrived off St.
Helier, anchored one mile south-south- west of Elizabeth Castle and landed one hundred and fifty libertymen.
The weather was fine then, but by eight o'clock in the evening the wind and sea had increased and the men could not get back to their ship. They were stranded ashore all day on the 5th. The Commanding Officer then radioed that he must have certain men on board to move his ship to more sheltered waters, and at ten o'clock on the morning of the 6th he asked if the life-boat would take them out. At 10.30 the life-boat Elizabeth Rippon left her moorings in a rough sea with a strong south-westerly wind blowing.
She put thirty engine-room ratings on board and then, when the destroyer had moved to St. Aubin Bay, put aboard the remaining men. She reached her station again at 3.45. The Commanding Officer expressed his thanks.—Rewards. £9 18,?. Qd..