Advanced search

Andaman and Fortune

Dover, and Walmer, Kent.—At 2.55 early on the morning of the 24th of May, 1953, the Sandgate coastguard rang up to say that the motor vessel Andaman.

of Gothenburg, had collided with the Panamanian steamer Fortune three miles south of the South Goodwin lightvessel. At 3.15 ' the life-boat Southern Africa left her moorings in a smooth sea with a light south-easterly breeze and dense fog. The Fortune anchored near the South Goodwin Buoy, but the Andaman was sinking j and she wirelessed that her crew of j thirty-eight were taking to her boats.

The life-boat .searched for her, but a later message stated that the S.S.

Arthur Wright had picked up two boats and the thirty-eight men. At five o'clock the life-boat found the Arthur Wright three miles east-south- east of the lightvessel, took the Anda- man's crew on board, and towed the boats to Dover, arriving at 8.45. The Walmer life-boat Charles Dibdin, Ciril Sen-ice No. 2 was launched at 2.40 and also searched, but her services were not needed. She returned to her station at 9.20.—Rewards: Dover, £11 2s.; Walmer, £29 7s. 6d..