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A New Assistant Secretary

MR. R. C. BAVERSTOCK, the Assistant Secretary and Establishment Officer, has retired after forty-four years in the service of the Institution. He is succeeded by Mr. S. M. Whorlow.

Mr. Baverstock was appointed Assistant Secretary in 1948. having before then been Accountant to the Institution for sixteen years. Before the war of 1914-1918 he served in the 3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), and during that war he spent a period with the Army.

Mr. Whorlow joined the staff of the Institution in 1929. Before his new appointment he helped create the new Internal Audit Department. He too served in the 3rd County of London Yeomanry, taking part in the African, Sicilian and Italian campaigns of the Eighth Army during the last war.

About Mr. Baverstock and Mr. Vince, Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, writes: "On the 1st July of this year the Institution lost two of its most valued servants through retirement after many years of unstinting and distin- guished service to our cause.

"The post of Assistant Secretary of the Institution is not one which attracts public attention. Yet on the holder of this post a very great deal of the efficiency of the whole organ- isation depends. In Mr. Baverstock we were extraordinarily lucky to have a man of such single-minded devotion, patience and tact. He was the Secre- tary's right-hand man in more than one major development of the organ- isation, and the results of his many years of work are to be seen in the smooth running of the most diverse parts of the machine and in the feeling, which I believe to be prevalent in the staff of the Institution, that everyone has a worth-while job to do and is glad to be doing it.

"Mr. Vince's job did bring him more into the public eye. His chief memorials are, I think, the tremendous popularity he enjoyed among all those who knew him and the happy relations which have so long existed between the Institution and the Press and publicity agencies generally.

"Thev will both be ffreatlv missed.".