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The S.S. Margareta (1)

Girvan, Ayrshire, and Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—About five o'clock on the morning of the 22nd of December, 1952, the Portpatrick coastguard tele- phoned the Girvan life-boat station that the S.S. Margareta, of Lovisa, Finland, had run ashore on the south side of Ailsa Craig and was asking for help. A later message stated that she was off the south-west side of Ailsa Craig, and at 5.20 the life-boat Frank and William Oates was launched. A strong southerly wind was blowing with a very rough sea and rain squalls.

The life-boat found the steamer hard aground with thirty persons on board.

She was a vessel of 2,915 tons bound for Glasgow laden with iron ore. As i her master said the crew did not wish 1 to abandon her, the life-boat stood by her in heavy weather. At 11.30 the life-boat wirelessed that she was running short of fuel, and at 1.30 the Campbeltown life-boat City of Glasgow was launched. She reached the posi- tion at four o'clock, and by this time two tugs had arrived.The Girvan life-boat then left for her station, which she reached at 5.30, and refuelled. The Campbeltown life- boat took eleven men and a woman off the steamer and landed them at her station at 7.30. The Girvan life-boat, with the coastguard shore life-saving company from Ballantrae on board, made for Ailsa Craig, where she landed the company about nine o'clock.

She then stood by the steamer again, and at 11.4 the Campbeltown life-boat, which had put out again, arrived.

The Girvan life-boat returned to her station to refuel for the second time, arriving at one o'clock on the 23rd.

Meanwhile the Campbeltown life- boat stood by the Margareta, while the tugs tried unsuccessfully to tow her clear. The Girvan life-boat left her station once again at five o'clock and reached the position at 6.30. She took over from the Campbeltown life-boat, which then made for Girvan for fuel and food and to fetch the Ayr coast- guard shore life-saving company to relieve the Ballantrae men. The Campbeltown life-boat reached Girvan about 11.30, and left with the Ayr men at four o'clock. The Girvan life-boat then returned to her station for more fuel and took the Ballantrae men with her, reaching Girvan at seven. The Campbeltown life-boat remained with the Margareta at the request of the master.

A gale sprang up during the night, and about 9.45 the life-boat took off the remaining eighteen men and four- teen salvage men. The salvage men could not be put aboard their tug owing to the weather, and they remained in the life-boat, which took them all to Campbeltown, arriving at 1.20 early on the morning of the 24th.

At midnight the Girvan life-boat had been told that the men had been taken off the steamer. She was therefore launched again at 10.30, to fetch the Ayr life-saving company from Ailsa Craig and finally reached her station again at 2.30 that afternoon.—• Rewards: Girvan, £77 6s. 6d.; Camp- beltown, £95 14s..