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The S.S. Larchfield

Holyhead, Anglesey.—At 1.55 early on the morning of the 24th of February, 1953, the coastguard reported that a wireless message had been intercepted indicating that the S.S. Larchfield, of Liverpool, was ashore near Carmel Head, in Holyhead Bay, and in need of immediate help. The life-boat St.

Cybi, Civil Service No. 9, was launched at 2.25 in a heavy ground swell with a south-south-westerly breeze blowing, and dense fog. At 3.5 the steamer was found pounding heavily, but the master refused to leave and asked for a final effort to be made to get the Larchfield off. The second coxswain was placed on board, and the ship was brought off the rocks on the rising tide.

Although leaking badly, the Larchfield was taken to Holyhead by the second coxswain, with the life-boat leading, and safely berthed. The life-boat reached her station at 7.20—Property Salvage Case..