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The S.S. Grove Hill

Cromer, Norfolk.—At 7.14 on the evening of the 23rd of November, 1952, the coastguard said he had learnt from a wireless signal that distress rockets had been seen four miles east- by-north of Cromer. The life-boat Henry Blogg was launched at 7.27 in a heavy sea with a strong and bitter- ly cold north-north-west wind blowing.

She found the vessel which needed help to be the S.S. Grove Hill, of Middlesbrough. Her engines and wireless were broken down, she had a list to port, and she was dragging her anchors. At the request of the master the life-boat sent messages by wireless informing the owners and asking for a tug. The life-boat stood by until a tug arrived. The tug began towing at four o'clock the following morning.

The life-boat accompanied the vessels to Yarmouth, arriving at 11.15. Owing to bad weather the life-boat remained at Yarmouth before returning to her station on the 29th of November— Property Salvage Case..