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The S.S. Alice of Bremen

Moelfre, Anglesey.—At eight o'clock on the morning of the 10th of February, 1953, the Holy head coastguard tele- phoned that the S.S. Alice of Bremen, which had broken down and had been towed to Moelfre Bay by a pilot boat, was dragging her anchors and being driven towards Moelfre Rocks. At 8.25 the life-boat G.W. was launched in a very rough sea with a strong northerly gale blowing. She found the Alice about three quarters of a mile east of Moelfre Island, with eight Germans and an English pilot aboard.

She had four anchors down, which now appeared to be holding, but the life- boat stood by her in case she dragged again. She remained with her until 4.30 and asked the pilot to wireless if he needed her again. The life-boat then returned to her station, which she reached at 8.40.—Rewards, £29 Is..