Advanced search

None (5)

Dover, Kent.—At 11.9 on the morn- ing of the 20th of December, 1952, the Sandgate coastguard telephoned that a man was cut off by the tide near St.

Margaret's Bay, and" at 11.30 the life- boat Southern Africa, in the charge of the second coxswain, left her moorings, taking a dinghy with her. There was a fresh breeze with a heavy swell.

The life-boat found the man on the rocks at the foot of the cliffs in St.

Margaret's Bay. Two life-boatmen manned the dinghy, and after two attempts they came near enough for the man to wade to the dinghy. He was up to his arm-pits in the sea, but the two men hauled him on board and transferred him to the life-boat. The life-boat landed him at her station at one o'clock, after which the police took care of him.—Rewards, £5 5s.