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Maraat V (1)

Caister, and Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At 4.15 on the afternoon of the 8th of January, 1953, the Great Yarmouth coastguard tele- phoned a message to the Caister life- boat station from Palling that a vessel had gone ashore half a mile south of Palling coastguard station. At 5.10 the life-boat Jose Neville was launched and, in a light north-westerly breeze with a calm sea and fog, found the motor vessel Maraat V, of Rotterdam, with a crew of five. She was hard aground. The life-boat stood by her for two hours until the tide started to rise, and then came close to her and asked if help was needed. The skipper said it was, and the life-boat passed a line on board and pulled the ship's stern towards the north to make conditions easier for refloating on the next tide. The Jose Neville, which had been slightly damaged by a piece of floating wreckage, then returned to Caister, arriving at 3.30 the next morning. At 6.45 the coastguard told the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston life-boat station that the Caister life-boat had been damaged, and at 9.30 the Caister life-boat station told the Gorleston station that the Maraat V had asked for help. As the harbour tug was not available the Great Yar- mouth and Gorleston life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at eleven o'clock. She took soundings round the Maraat V, put a rope on board and refloated her. The Maraat V had fouled her propeller, and the life-boat towed her to Great Yarmouth harbour, arriving back at her station at 5.10.— Rewards: Caister, £33 2s. 6d.; Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Property Salvage Case..