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St. Peter Port, Guernsey.—About 8.40 on the morning of the 8th of January.

1953, the motor vessel Braywick, of London, which had a crew of nine, wirelessed that she had broken down and needed a tug three miles north- east of Hanois. Jersey harbour radio station informed the life-boat station.

and at 9.25 the life-boat Queen Victoria left her moorings in a light northerly breeze and calm sea. She found the ship two miles west-north-west of Lihou Island with another vessel, the Clara Monks, standing by. The life- boat went alongside her and took her in tow, and the Clara Monks went on her way. By this time the Guernsey pilot boat had arrived, and she helped the life-boat tow the Brayiuick to St.

Peter Port, which was reached at- 4.30.—Property Salvage Case..