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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To WILLIAM SWANKIE, B.E.M., on his retirement after serving for 17f years as coxswain and 8| years as second coxswain of the Arbroath life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To LESLIE C. PENNYCORD, on his retire- ment, after serving for 16 years as coxswain and 4 years as second coxswain of the Selsey life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To STANLEY T. SMITH, on his retirement, after serving for 8 years as coxswain and 11J years as second coxswain of theYarmouth, Isle of Wight, life-boat, a coxswain's certi- ficate of service and an annuity.

To CECIL G. IRWIN, on his retirement, after serving for 7J years as coxswain and 13 years as second coxswain of the Ilfra- combe life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service.

To WILFRED ELDER, on his retirement, after serving for 9 months as coxswain and 5 months as second coxswain of tne hitby No. 1 life-boat, and 6J years as coxswain, 9 years as second cox wain and If years as bowman of the Whitby No. 2 life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service.

To DOUGLAS S. KIRKALDIE, on his retire- ment, after serving for 6f years as coxswain, 4 years as second coxswain and 5 years as bowman of the Ramsgate life-boat, a cox- swain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To DENIS DRISCOLL, on his retirement, after serving for 5J years as coxswain and 18J years as bowman of the Courtmacsherry Harbour life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To ROBERT W. RICHARDSON, on his retire- ment, after serving for over 5 years as cox- swain of the Whitby No. 1 life-boat and being associated with the Whitby life-boats for 25 years, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To WILLIAM MCCONNELL, on his retire- ment, after serving for 4J years as coxswain and 2 years as second coxswain of the Port- patrick life-boat, and 13 years as a member of the crew of the Port Logan life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To DENIS WHELTON, on his retirement, after serving for 24J years as second cox- swain of the Courtmacsherry Harbour life- boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To HAROLD J. BRAUND, on his retirement, after serving for 16 years as second coxswain and 15 years as a member of the crew of the Clovelly life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To RICHARD H. CANN, on his retirement, after serving for 11 years as second coxswain and 8| years as bowman of the Appledore life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JAMES FINDLAY, on his retirement, after serving for 8 years as second coxswain and 10 years as a member of the crew of the Montrose life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To SAMUEL ASHBROOK, on his retirement, after serving for 5| years as second coxswain and 8 years as a member of the crew of the Pwellheli life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To NORMAN MORRISON, on his retirement, after serving for 1£ years as second coxswain, 3| years as bowman and 28 years as a member of the crew of the Falmouth Jife-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To JOHN CLAGUE, on his retirement, after serving for 12J years as bowman and 24 years as a member of the crew of the Douglas life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To LAURENCE SIMPSON, on his retirement, after serving for 11 j years as bowman and 1$ years as a member of the crew of the Ler- wick life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To FREDERICK C. TATEM, on his retirement, after serving for 10J years as bowman of the Appledore life-boat, a life-boatman's certi- ficate of service and an annuity.

To WILLIAM MILLER, on his retirement, after serving for 6J years as bowman and 11 years as a member of the crew of the Wick life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To GEORGE DALLY, on his retirement, after serving for 18J years as motor mechanic, 3 years as second coxswain and 9 months as bowman of the Coverack life-boat, a life- boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JOHN JONES, on his retirement, after serving for 14J years as motor mechanic of the Holyhead life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service, a gratuity and a retire- ment allowance.

To ALEXANDER FYVIE, on his retirement, after serving for 4f years as assistant motor mechanic and 7 years as a member of the crew of the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, life- boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity..