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Angus Rose and Mizpah

Montrose, Angus, and Anstruther, Fifeshlre.—On the afternoon of the 9th of February, 1953, a wireless message reached the Montrose life-boat station from the fishing boat Angus Rose, which had a crew of two, that she had lost her rudder, but that the fishing boat Mizpah, with a crew of three, was helping her. The boats were off Montrose. and at 3.30 the Montrose life-boat The Good Hope was launched.

There was a south-easterly breeze with a very heavy sea. The life-boat found that the Mizpah had taken the Angus Rose in tow. They could not enter Montrose harbour because of the weather, and they made for Johns- haven, accompanied by the life-boat.

As the entrance to Johnshaven harbour was also dangerous, the Mizpah decid- ed to make for the Firth of Forth, and the life-boat remained with the boats.

When they had reached a position off Bell Rock the Mizpah's engine broke down. The life-boat took both boats in tow, and the life-boatmen gave the five men of their crews food and rum.

Meanwhile, at ten o'clock that evening the Anstruther coastguard reported toi the Anstruther life-boat station that ! the Montrose life-boat, with the fishing boats in tow, was approaching from the vicinity of the North Carr, and needed a pilot. A south-westerly breeze was blowing with a heavy swell, and it was decided to send the life- boat James and Ruby Jackson, as the Montrose life-boat had two disabled boats to deal with. The Anstruther life-boat was launched at 10.30, with the second coxswain in charge, and found that the Mizpah had by then broken adrift. The towline used by the Montrose life-boat did in fact part four times, but the two life-boats succeeded in bringing in the two fishing boats, Anstruther harbour being reached at 1.35. Owing to weather conditions the Anstruther life-boat could not be re-housed and remained in the harbour. The Montrose life- boat remained at Anstruther until 10.5 on the morning of the 13th, when the weather moderated. She reached her station again about 2.30 that afternoon.—Rewards: Montrose, £63 105. 6d.; Anstruther, £50 16*..