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An Open Motor Boat

Walton and Frinton, Essex.—At 7.15 on the morningofthe 18th of February, 1953, the coastguard reported that the S.S. Arnhem, coming from Holland, had sighted an open motor boat near Beach End buoy. The motor boat appeared to have broken down and to be drifting eastwards without gear, but with people on board. The life- boat E.M.E.D. was launched at eight o'clock in a calm sea, with a light north-westerly wind blowing, and began to search. At 9.20 she found the drifting boat two and a half miles east-by-north of Beach End buoy with two youths aboard. They had been absent without leave from an approved school since the night before and had taken the boat. The youths were given refreshments and taken to Harwich together with the boat.

After the youths had been handed over the life-boat returned to Walton, which was reached at 12.45.—Rewards £21..