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Alf Everard

Newhaven, Sussex—At 6.15 on the evening of the 2nd of November, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that a vessel half a mile south of East Pier was making SOS signals on a lamp and siren. At 6.40 the life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott was launched and, in a strong south-westerly breeze and rough sea, found the motor vessel Alf Everard, of London, loaded with cement, driving ashore east of East Pier. She had struck the east sand bar, which had stopped her, and the sea and wind had swept her round the pier. With difficulty the coxswain manoeuvred the life-boat alongside, and the seven men jumped into her.

With the rescued men on board, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 7.40.—Rewards, £15 12s..