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Whitby Lass and Gem

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At eight o'clock on the morning of the 4th of September, 1952, the coxswain of the motor life- boat reported that the fishing coble Whitby Lass was at sea and that con- ditions on the harbour bar were very dangerous in the heavy ground swell.

As the motor life-boat would be unable to clear the bar because of an excep- tionally low tide, the harbour pulling life-boat Robert and Ellen Robson left her moorings at 8.30. A fresh north- westerly breeze was blowing, and she came up with the motor fishing boat Gem. She escorted her into the har- bour and then put to sea again and escorted in the Whitby Lass. A Scot- tish fishing boat was then seen, but as the tide was too low for her to clear the bar, the life-boatmen fired a red Verey light to warn her off and then returned to their station, arriving at 10.0.—Rewards, £11 13s..