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The S.S. Clonlee

Workington, Cumberland. — On the 10th of July, 1952, the S.S. Clonlee, which had arrived off Workington from Algiers, laden with iron ore, radioed that she was short of food and asked for provisions. Her agents asked if the life-boat would take pro- visions out to her and, as the weather was unsuitable for a shoreboat, the life-boat N. T. embarked the provi- sions and was launched at 10.55 that night with the second coxswain in charge. She came up with the vessel about one and a quarter miles off Workington, in a rough sea and strong south-south-west breeze, put the food aboard, and returned to her stationagain, arriving at 12.15 the next morn- ing. The Agents made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Re- wards, £3..