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The Silver Line, Little Lady, Victory Rose, Floral Queen, Enterprise II,Gem

Whitby, Yorkshire.—On the morning of the llth of September, 1952, the weather was becoming steadily worse, with a strong freshening northerly wind and strong ebb-tide making the harbour entrance dangerous for small boats. It was decided to send out the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Heptuorth, and she left at 10.15 with the coxswain of the No. 2 life-boat in charge of a scratch crew, as her own crew were at sea in the fishing boats. The life-boat went to a position off the harbour and escorted the cobles Silver Line, Little Lady, Victory Rose, Floral Queen, Enterprise II and Gem through broken water in port, returning to her station at 1.30 in the afternoon.—-Rewards, £10 11*..