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The Sailing Barge Spurgeon

Margate, Kent.—At 6.7 on the even- ing of the 8th of August, 1952, thecoastguard telephoned that a sailing barge was ashore on the North-East Shingle Sands, and at 6.10 the life-boat North Foreland, Civil Service No. XI, was launched. The sea was rough with a strong south-westerly breeze blowing. The life-boat found the sailing barge Spurgeon, of Rochester, high and dry with three women and four men on board. The life-boat could not get nearer than four hundred yards from her, but the weather was worsening and the barge made distress signals. The life-boat remained with her until the flowing tide refloated her and then, at the skipper's request, took her in tow. She towed her to Whitstable, moored her in the harbour and then returned to her station, arriving at 8.15 on the morning of the 9th.—Rewards, £30 2s. 6d..