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The Institution's President In Malaya

WHEN the Institution's President, H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, returned from her visit to Malaya at the begin- ning of December 1952, the Institu- tion sent to her the following telegram, signed by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., K.B.E., chairman of the committee of management, and Colonel A. D.

Burnett-Brown, the secretary of the Institution: "The Life-boat Service desires most heartily and gratefully to welcome home Your Royal Highness on your safe return from your long, arduous and dangerous tour of duty. It would also most respectfully and most sin- cerely congratulate you on completing with such marked success this impor- tant service to the country." The Duchess sent the following reply: "I greatly appreciate the kind message I have received from you and members of the Life-boat Service and ask you to convey my sincere thanks for their good wishes on my return.".