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Royal Humane Society Awards for Cromer

THE Royal Humane Society has pre- sented its Testimonial on Parchment and Resuscitation Certificate to Robert Charles Davis, the bowman of the Cromer life-boat, and its Resuscitation Certificate to Coxswain Henry Thomas Davis for the rescue and resuscitation of a drowning man on the 25th of July, 1952. Mr. Robert Davis and his wife were on the beach at eleven o'clock at night, the beach was deserted; the night dark, and there was no moon.

A swell was breaking on the beach.

They realised that there was a man in the sea and Mr. Davis waded in, fully clothed, up to his neck. He was lifted off his feet by every wave. The man was, fortunately, unconscious and not able to struggle, but he weighed fifteen stone. With great difficulty Mr. Davis brought him ashore. At one time he was knocked over by a wave and completely submerged with the unconscious man on top of him.

While he was reviving the man Mrs. Davis went for the coxswain.

Between them they brought the man round..