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On the 19th of August, 1952, the bowman of the Bridlington life-boat lost his life when the life-boat went to the help of two girls who had got into difficulties while bathing. Awards: the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Assistant Motor Mechanic Derek Nightingale, of Bridlington; £10 to each member of the crew of seven, including Bowman Redhead, and letters of thanks to Lieut. E.

Taylor, A.M.I.N.A., Assistant Honor- ary Secretary, Bridlington, and Mr.

Martin, District Officer of Coastguard; letter of appreciation and £10 to Cox- swain Richard B. Cowling, of Flam- borough. Rewards and additional expenditure, £316 13s. 4d. A full account of this service will be given in a later number of The Life-boat..