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Loch Lomond

North Pier L.S.A., Torry L.S.A. and the Aberdeen life-boat.—At 10.33 on the morning of the 23rd of October, 1952, the Assistant Harbour Master reported that the steam trawler Loch Lomond, of Aberdeen, was in distress in the Navigation Channel. She immediately stranded on a breakwater at the east end of North Pier. The Torry shore life-saving apparatus team assembled at once, and a minute later the North Pier team manned their gear. The Aberdeen No. 1 life-boat Hilton Briggs was launched at 10.40 and made for the position in a heavy sea, with a fresh south-south-west breeze blowing. The North Pier team rescued the trawler's crew of thirteen by breeches buoy, and the life-boat, after ascertaining that no one was left on board, returned to her station, arriving at 11.12. The North Pier team then stowed their gear away and were dismissed at 11.45. The Tony team assembled for an hour but were not needed.—Re- wards, North Pier, L.S.A., £12 6s; Torry L.S.A., 8s.; Aberdeen life-boat, £6 7s. 6d..