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Lead Us and Pilot Me

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 11.15 on the morning of the 10th of October, 1952, the coastguard reported that two fish- ing boats were at sea and that condi- tions at the harbour bar were very dangerous. At 11.20 the No. 1 life- boat Mary Ann Hep-worth was launched in a rough sea, with a strong northerly wind blowing. She came up with the Lead Us near the Rock Buoy. The coxswain told the skipper about con- ditions at the bar, and the life-boat escorted the Lead Us towards the harbour. Three hundred yards from the piers the life-boat and the Lead Us were engulfed in heavy seas, but the fishing boat crossed the bar and reached the harbour. The life-boat followed her, but was struck by another sea which nearly smashed her against the East Pier. The coxswain took her into the harbour and remained there until the Pilot Me arrived. The Pilot Me entered harbour safely, and the life-boat then returned to herstation, arriving at 12,45.—Rewards, £9 15*..