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Salcombe, Devon.—At 10.0 on the night of the 6th August, 1952, the Hope Cove coastguard telephoned that a red flare had been seen one mile south-south-east of Bolt Head. At 10.10 the life-boat Samuel and Marie Parkhouse left her moorings, with the honorary secretary, Commander A. C.

Roberts, on board. The sea was slight with a light south-easterly breeze blowing. The life-boat found the local motor boat Brit anchored with her engine broken down. The owner and a man who had been put aboard by a fishing boat to help him were in her, and they cut the anchor cable. The life-boat then towed the Brit to Salcombe and reached her station again at 11.15 that night. The owner made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards, £5 6s..