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A United States Jet Aircraft

Margate, Kent.—At 4.12 on the after- noon of the 4th of September, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that an explo- sion had been seen north-west of the coastguard station, and later stated that a United States jet aircraft had been seen to crash between five and seven miles north-west of Westbrook Pavilion. At 4.30 the life-boat North Foreland, Civil Service No. XI, was launched in a moderate sea, with a moderate north-westerly breeze blow- ing, and two American air-sea rescue aircraft dropped flares to guide her to the position. The life-boat found wreckage strewn for about two miles over Margate Sands, and two life- boatmen waded to the Sands to search for the pilot. They found his body, helped to put it aboard a helicopter,which had also put out, and then re- turned to the life-boat, which reached her station again at 9.30 that night.— Rewards, £14 2s. 6d..