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A Sailing Dinghy (2)

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 5.32 on the afternoon of the 31st of August, 1952, a message was received from a resident of Egremont that a sailing dinghy had been swamped by the wash from a liner, and that one man was in the water near the middle of the river. The life-boat Norman B.

Corlett left her moorings at 5.45 in a moderate sea with a westerly breeze blowing, and proceeded up river. In the meantime the man had been picked up by another man in a motor launch, who transferred him to the life-boat, which arrived back at her station at 6.30. The casualty, which was a 11 ft. 6 in. dinghy, was picked up by a tug.—Rewards, £6..