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A Royal Engineers Landing Craft

Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 10.6 on the morning of the 30th of September, 1952, the Foreland coastguard tele- phoned that a Royal Engineers landing craft, with a crew of seven, was in danger of being driven towards the boom between No Man's Fort and Seaview, and at 10.17 the life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched. The sea was rough, with a strong easterly breeze blowing, and the life-boat es- corted the landing craft Zara to Bem- bridge. The life-boat then went toCowes as the weather was too bad for her to be rehoused, arriving at 12.30 in the afternoon. She was taken back to her station on the evening of the following day.—Rewards, £14 12s. Qd..