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A Pantomime and a "Raffel"

THIS story of a gift of twenty-five shillings cannot be better told than in the letter which came with it: "Dear Secretary of the Life-boat Organisation, "I enclose a £l 5s. p.o. for the life- boat. The wray in which we raised this sum of money was by doing a play and by having a raffel. Three of my friends and myself did a pantomime called Cinderella, Jay Johnson was Cinderella, I was Prince Charming, Susan Hearne and Anthea W7est were the Ugly Sisters. We made the scen- ery ourselves. For the raffel we each bought a box of chocolates each, and we charged Id. a ticket. For grown- ups it was 4d. to go in and 2d. for children. We held the play in our ballroom. We are all under 13 years of age. We made or borrowed" our costumes. Susan Hearne was also The Fairy Godmother. The audience consisted of 30-40 people.

"Yours sincerely, "(Miss) PATRICIA CARROL GADSDEN.".