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The S.S.Jankiki

Walmer, and Ramsgate, Kent. — At 6.42 in the morning of the 30th of March, 1952, the Deal coastguard tele- phoned to the Walmer life-boat station a wireless message from the S.S.

Jankiki, of Panama, that she was aground on the north-east Varne Sands. At 7.10 the life-boat Charles Dibdin, Civil Service No. 2 was launched. An easterly gale was blow- ing with a heavy swell. A second message from the Jankiki gave a different position. She was between the North and East Goodwin Light- vessels. This the Ramsgate coast- guard passed to the Ramsgate life-boat station, and at 7.20 the life-boat Prudential left her moorings. The Walmer life-boat, not being needed, returned to her station, arriving at 7.50. The Prudential found the steamer high and dry on the northern end of the Goodwin Sands, stood by her until the tide had risen sufficiently, closed her and passed a rope across.

Two life-boatmen then boarded her, but owing to heavy seas the life-boat had to cast off. The seas drove the steamer over the sands, and she re- floated. The life-boat guided her to navigable water, took on board her two men and returned to her station, arriving at 3.30 in the afternoon.— Rewards: Walmer, £18 13s.; Rams- gate, 16s. 6d.—Property Salvage Case..