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The S.S. Rocquaine

St. Ives, Cornwall.—At 9.40 in the morning of the 24th of April, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that the S.S.

Rocquaine, of Guernsey, had reported an explosion on board. She was on fire, and her master had been badly burnt.

She asked for the life-boat. At 10.5 the life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child embarked a doctor and an ambulance man and was launched into a moderate sea with a light north- westerly breeze blowing. She found the Rocquaine four miles off St. Ives.

The fire had been put out. The life- boat took the master on board, landed him at St. Ives, where an ambulance was waiting, and reached her station again at 11.10.—Rewards, £11 Is..