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The S.S. Baron Elcho

Campbeltown, Argyllshire. — During the morning of the 28th of June, 1952, a radio telegram was received from the S.S. Baron Elcho, of Ardrossan, that she was making for Campbeltown to land a very badly injured seaman.

She asked that a boat with a doctor should meet her off Davaar Light.

The life-boat City of Glasgow was launched at one o'clock in the after- noon, in a smooth sea, and met the Baron Elcho. The very difficult opera- tion of transferring the man to the life-boat was successfully accom- plished, and the doctor decided that an air ambulance was needed to takethe man to Glasgow. This the life- boat arranged by wireless. When the life-boat arrived back at Campbel- town at 2.45 the man was flown at once to Glasgow.—Rewards, £3 15s..