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The Sir Godfrey Baring, of Clacton

Ox the llth of June Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., who, in the Birthday Honours List was made a Knight of the British Empire, presented to the life-boat station at Clacton-on-Sea, Ess'ex, the new life-boat which bears his name, and Lady Baring named her.

This life-boat, during the summer of 1951, was on view at the Festival of Britain Exhibition on the South Bank of the Thames. When it was decided that she should go to the Festival, it was, at the same time, decided that she should be named after Sir Godfrey Baring, who has been a member of the committee of management of the Institution since 1911, its vice-chair- man from 1915 to 1923, its chairman since 1923, and vice-president of the Isle of Wight life-boat board since 1900.

The Sir Godfrey Baring is a boat of the Watson Cabin type, 46 feet 9 inches long, with two 40 h.p. diesel engines and a deck cabin. She is the fifth life-boat to serve at Clacton since the station was established in 1878. From the station's foundation up to the naming ceremony Clacton life-boats had been launched on ser- vice 399 times and had the splendid record of 701 lives rescued.

The chairman of the Clacton-on-Sea Urban District Council, Councillor Kenneth Elliott, who had previously entertained Sir Godfrey and Lady Baring, the secretary of the Institu- tion, and others to luncheon, presided.

Commander S. W. F. Bennetts, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N., the deputy chief in- spector of life-boats, described the boat.

Sir Godfrey Baring's Speech Sir Godfrey Baring then handed her over to the branch. In doing so he said: "I considered it the highest honour of my life when the Committee of Management of the Institution, in their kindness, allowed this boat to be called by my name. I can only say that I hope my name will be worthy of the boat. She will be manned by a Clacton crew who will show the highest attributes of our race, courage endurance and self-sacrifice." Mrs. F. M. H. Coleman, M.B.E., J.P., president of the Clacton-on-Sea Ladies' Life-boat Guild and an honorary life governor of the Institution, accepted the life-boat on behalf of Clacton.

The Bishop of Colchester (the Right Rev. F. D. V. Narborough) assisted by the Rev. H. G. Redgrave and the Rev. H. Tyler Lane, then dedicated the life-boat, and a vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor H. P. King, C.C., J.P., and seconded by Mr. H. E.

Kingsman, president of the branch.

Lady Baring's Speech Lady Baring then named the life- boat. In doing so she said: "I am very glad to be here today, and to- name this life-boat after my husband.

" His work for the Life-boat Service, during over fifty years, has been one of the great pleasures of his life, and we are both of us very proud and very happy that this splendid boat, which was seen by millions of visitors to the Festival of Britain last year, and which is now to be stationed at Clacton, is.

to bear his name. We shall follow her fortunes with the greatest interest.

Our good wishes will be with her always.

"I have the greatest pleasure in naming this life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring, and I wish her and her crew God-speed in their work of rescue." The national anthem was sung and the Sir Godfrey Baring was launched..