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The Ex-R.N.L.I. Life-Boat The Ivy Dale

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 9.30 in the morning of the 3rd of June, 1952, the Spurn . Point coastguard telephoned that an ex-R.N.L.I. life-boat, the Ivy Dale, of London, had run ashore off Withernsea and had damaged her rudder. She asked for the life-boat to stand by her at 12.30 that afternoon, when she expected to refloat. At eleven o'clock the life-boat City of Bradford II was launched in a heavy ground swell, with a moderate west- erly breeze blowing. She found that the Ivy Dale, with the owner on board, bound from Troon to London, had refloated and had anchored in broken water. The life-boat, which had holed her bottom on some underwater ob- struction, anchored near. The Ivy Dale then weighed her anchor and made for smoother water. The life-boat fol- lowed her and, at the request of the owner, towed her to Grimsby, reach- ing her station again at 5.30 that evening.—Paid Permanent Crew..