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The Ex-Motor Fishing Vessel Willroy

Padstow, Cornwall.—At 3.43 in the afternoon of the 3rd of June, 1952, the Trevose Head coastguard tele- phoned that the s.s. British Supremacy had wirelessed that she had taken in tow the ex-motor fishing vessel Will- roy, of Fleetwood, with a crew of three, which had broken down. She gave her position as thirty-two miles north-west of Trevose Head, and asked for a life-boat to take over the tow. At 4.20 the No. 1 life-boat Princess Mary left her moorings.

There was a swell with a light west- north-west breeze blowing. The life- boat reached the steamer at 6.40 in the evening, twenty-two miles north- west of the Head, took the Willroy in tow and arrived with her at Pad- stow at ten o'clock that night. The owner expressed his thanks.—Partly Paid Permanent Crew; Rewards, £5 135..