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The Blackwater Lightvessel

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford. — The Commissioners of Irish Lights asked if the life-boat would take relief men to the Blackwater Lightvessel and the Tuskar Rock Lighthouse as the Commissioners' boats were not available. At 12.30 on the after- noon of the 1st of April, 1952, the life- boat Douglas Hyde was launched in a choppy sea with a light northerly breeze blowing. It was her first service. The second coxswain was in command. She put five men on the lightvessel and landed five, reaching her station again at five o'clock that evening. At 9.30 next morning she was launched again, in calm weather, put one keeper and stores on Tuskar Rock and landed a man, getting back to her station at 1.15 in the after- noon.—Rewards, 1st service, £7 Is.; 2nd service, £7 9s. Refunded to the Institution by the Commissioners of Irish Lights..