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Sea Mew

Douglas, Isle of Man.—At 8.50 on the evening of the 16th of June, 1952, the bridge keeper reported that a fishing vessel was drifting towards Clay Head, Onchan, and appeared to be in dis- tress. The life-boat Millie Walton, with the branch assistant secretary, Mr. J. S. Kermode, on board, was launched at 9.10 in a heavy ground swell, with a fresh west-south-west breeze blowing. She found the local fishing vessel Sea Mew one and a half miles north of Douglas Head with a man and boy on board. Her engine had broken down, her mainsail boom had broken, and she was drifting towards rocks fifty yards away. The life-boat towed her to Douglas Har- bour and reached her station again at 10.20.—Rewards, £8..