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Saint Austell

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.— At seven o'clock in the morning of the 14th of April, 1952, the keeper of the Hook Tower Lighthouse telephoned that the schooner Saint Austell, of Howth, bound for New York with a crew of two, was between three and four miles east of Hook. She ap- peared to be burning flares from her stern. Later he telephoned that she was on fire. The life-boat Annie Blanche Smith was launched at 7.45, with the honorary secretary, Mr. A.

Westcott-Pitt, on board. A moderate sea was running with a moderate southerly breeze blowing. The light- keeper had also telephoned Slade for a fishing boat, and a boat immediately put out. She rescued the two men.

They had been in the sea for about an hour, and were suffering from ex- haustion and shock. The life-boatmen passed rum over to them, but they were not fit to be transferred to the life-boat, so she accompanied the fishing boat to Slade and returned to her station, arriving at 10.15.—Re- wards, £3 16$..