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Torbay, Devon. — At 6.40 in the evening of the 26th of June, 1952, the police telephoned for the help of the life-boat for a woman, marooned on a rock off Mansands. She had had a heart attack. With the bowman in charge of a scratch crew the life-boat George Shee was launched at 6.55, in a light north-north-westerly wind with a calm sea, taking a small boat in tow.

She found that the woman had been taken from the rock to the shore, but at a point where it was not possible for her to climb the cliff. By means of the small boat the life-boatmen brought her to the life-boat, which then made for Brixham Inner Har- bour, arriving at eight o'clock. On the way back the life-boat had called for an ambulance by wireless and this was waiting to carry the woman to hospital. The woman sent a letter of thanks and a gift to the Institution.

—Rewards, £3 8*..