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Flamborough, Yorkshire. — At 4.44 in the afternoon of the 3rd of June, 1952, the Flamborough Head coast- guard telephoned that a boy, swim- ming in Thornwick Bay, had been washed on to the rocks below Thorn- wick Bay Camp. The life-boat Howard D. was launched at 4.50, in a heavy ground swell with a light breeze blowing. She found the boy on a ledge of the cliffs, completely cut off, and went close inshore. Life-boatmen threw him a line and told him to make it fast round his body.

They then hauled him through the sea to the life-boat. He was badly cut and bruised, and the life-boat wirelessed for a doctor to meet her at her station, which she reached at 5.30 that evening. The boy was taken to hospital.—Rewards, £14 11,9. 6d..