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Mrs. F. M. H. Coleman, M.B.E., J.P., of Clacton

MRS. FLORENCE MABEL HENRIETTA COLEJIAX, M.B.E., J.P., of Clacton, who died on the 25th of August, 1952, at the age of eighty, had been for thirty years a distinguished and most successful worker for the Life-boat Service.

In 1922 she became a member of the committee of the Clacton branch.

Three years later she was appointed a vice-president, and in 1931 became its vice - chairman. In 1932 she founded the Clacton Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and until the outbreak of war in 1939 she was president of the Guild and vice-chairman of the branch.

During the war, and up to her death, she remained a member of the com- mittee of the branch and was honorary secretary as well as president of the guild. Her last public service to the branch was to receive the new life- boat Sir Godfrey Baring at the naming ceremony last June. During the past five years the Clacton branch and guild have raised over £5,000.

Mrs. Coleman was awarded the Institution's gold badge for distin- guished honorary services in 1927, and in 1942 she was appointed an honorary life-governor, the highest honour which the Institution can bestow on an honorary worker. The Life-boat Ser- vice was only one of her many public activities. She had for many years taken a most notable part in the life of Clacton and Essex, and is the only woman, so far, to be chairman of the Clacton Urban District Council..