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Mont Cassel and Pilot Boat Foreness

Margate, Kent.—At 6.52 in the morning of the 16th of April, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that a French fishing vessel had anchored about halfa mile east-north-east of the Tongue Lightvessel and was flying a flag at half mast. A later message said that she was the trawler Mont Cassel, of Boulogne, and needed help. At 7.30 the life-boat North Foreland, Civil Service No. XI was launched, with the second coxswain in command. A slight north-easterly breeze was blow- ing, with a moderate swell, and there was fog. The life-boat found that the trawler had broken down. She took her in tow and anchored off Margate about noon on account of the fog.

The life-boat then escorted in the pilot boat Foreness, and when, at 2.15, the fog lifted, she towed in the Mont Cassel, and reached her station again at 3.O.—Rewards, £17 14*..