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Hoylake, Cheshire. — Early in the morning of the 18th of March, 1952, the motor fishing boat Lilian, with the life-boat coxswain and another man on board, put to sea. She did not return and at five o'clock the Formby coastguard telephoned that a fishing boat, apparently broken down, had been seen under sail and making little headway three and a half miles west of Formby Point. At 5.30 the life-boat Oldham IV was launched for the first time on service. The second coxswain was in command and the Western District Inspector was on board. The sea was slight, with a light south-easterly breeze, but there was fog. The life-boat searched widely, but found nothing. She ar- rived back at her station about three o'clock the next morning to re-fuel and put out again. Visibility was still poor.

At 8.15 in the morning the news came that the Lilian had been towed in byanother fishing boat, and the life-boat was recalled. She reached her station again at nine o'clock. The two men of the Lilian had rowed for twenty- two hours before they were taken in tow.—Rewards, £50 Us..