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Life-Boat Christmas Cards and Calendar

THE Institution is having for sale this year two Christmas Cards, one in colours, the other in black and white, and a pocket calendar.

The card in colour will have a reproduction of a painting by the late Mr. L. Wyllie, R.A., of a rescue by the pulling and sailing life-boat at Southsea. The card will be of four pages, with the picture on the front page and the Institution's crest, and greetings, inside. The price, with envelope, will be one shilling.

The black and white card will have a picture of a modern motor life-boat at sea. It will be of four pages, with the picture on the front and greetings inside. The price, with envelope, will be eightpence.

Both cards are reproduced on page 388.

Name and address can be printed in on either card, if not fewer than a dozen cards are ordered, at an addi- tional cost of 5,9. for the first dozen and one shilling for each additional dozen, or part of a dozen.

The pocket calendar will have on the front the same picture as the black and white card. It can be supplied only in dozens, and the price is 2*.

for the first dozen, and Is. 6d. for each additional dozen.

There will also be a hanging calendar with a picture in colours of the Cromer life-boat Henry Blogg at the top of her slipway. It is intended for distribu- tion to solicitors, to remind them of the Life-boat Service when clients seek advice about their wills. Owing to the high purchase tax which would have to be paid on all the calendars printed, if any were sold, there will be none for sale..