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Hindlea, of Dublin

Portpatrick, Wigtownshire.—At 6.25 in the morning of the 7th of May, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that the keepers of the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse had reported a motor vessel, a mile north of the Mull, drifting east - north - eastwards. She had made an S.O.S. signal. At 6.45 the life-boat The Brothers, on tempo- rary duty at the station, left her moorings in a moderate sea with a moderate south-south-east breeze blowing. She found the motor vessel Hindlea, of Dublin, laden with coal and carrying a erew of five. The Hindlea had broken down. At the request of her skipper, the life-boat stood by her until temporary repairs had been made and then returned to her station, arriving at 1.30 in the afternoon.—Rewards, £12 5s..