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New Brighton, Cheshire.—At three in the afternoon of the 24th of March, 1952, the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board telephoned that a fishing boat had been reported aground on the revetment near C.16 buoy in the Crosby Channel and listing danger- ously. At 3.15 the life-boat Norman B. Corlett left her moorings. The sea was smooth, with a light easterly breeze, but there was fog. The life- boat found the fishing boat Emma, of Rock Ferry, with a crew of two. The skipper asked her to stand by until high tide. A salvage vessel had also arrived, and she put two men on board with a pump. When the Emma refloated, the life-boat escorted her up the River Mersey and reached her station again at 7.45 that night.— Rewards, £12 8s..