Dirk II
Margate, Kent.—At 6.25 in the even- ing of the 1st of June, 1952, the coast- guard telephoned that a yacht needed help four miles to the north of the North-East Spit Buoy, about ten miles north of North Foreland, and at 6.35 the life-boat North Foreland, Civil Service No. XI, was launched.
The sea was very rough, with a strong south-westerly wind blowing. The life-boat found the 12-ton auxiliary yacht Dirk II, of Maldon, with a crew of five. She had her sails set, but was making very heavy weather. Her crew had lost their bearings and their engine would not start. A life-boat- man went on board and helped them manage her. A tow line was passed across and the life-boat towed her to Ramsgate, arriving at 10.45 that night. She reached her station again at one o'clock next morning.—Pro- perty Salvage Case..