An Attacker Aeroplane
Cromer, Norfolk.—About three o'clock in the afternoon of the 6th of March, 1952, the police reported an aeroplane in difficulties and at 3.25 the coastguard telephoned a message from the R.A.F. No. 19 Group that the aeroplane was an Attacker of the R.N.A.S. and had last been seen twelve miles north of Cromer. At 3.30 the No. 1 life-boat Henry Blogg was launched. A strong south - easterly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea running. At 4.3 the coastguard wirelessed to the life-boat that a patch of oil had been reported six miles to the northward, but the life-boat found nothing. The search was abandoned at nightfall and the life-boat reached her station again at seven o'clock. At 5.30 the next morning the No. 2 life- boat Harriot Dixon was launched and at six o'clock the No. 1 life-boat put out again. They searched widely, but again found nothing and the life-boats returned to their stations, No. 1 arriving at two o'clock that after- noon and No. 2 at 2.30. The pilot's widow sent "deep thanks" of herself and her children to the Cromer life- boatmen.—Rewards: No. 1 station (two launches), £51 5*.; No. 2 station.