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A Firefly Aeroplane (1)

Cromarty, Whitehills, and Buckle, Banffshire.—About 1.30 in the after- noon of the 4th of March, 1952, the fishing boat Guiding Star returned to Whitehills with wreckage of a Firefly aeroplane which she reported had crashed about three and a half miles north of Cowhyth Point. She had not found the pilot. The Air Force later asked for a search to be made, and the coastguard telephoned the White- hills life-boat station at 4.20. At 5.10 the Thomas Markby was launched, in a calm sea and a light south-easterly breeze. The second coxswain was in command. At 4.40 the Cromarty coastguard told the Cromarty life- boat station and at 4.58 the James Macfee was launched. At five o'clock the Buckie coastguard told the Buckie life-boat station, and at 5.30 the Glencoe, Glasgow, was launched. An Air Sea Rescue launch also put out.

The life-boats searched widely but they could not find the pilot and returned to their stations, Cromarty arriving at 6.30 that evening, White- hills at eight o'clock, and Buckie at 9.20.—Rewards, Cromarty £5; White- hills, £10 12s.; Buckie, £10 19s..