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The S.S. Taxiarchis

Redcar, Yorkshire.—At 3.22 in the afternoon of the 14th of January, 1952, the life-boat coxswain reported that a vessel was aground on the West Scar, and at 3.45 the life-boat City of Leeds was launched in a moderate westerly breeze, with a moderate sea running.

She found the S.S. Taxiarchis, of Syra, Greece, with a crew of thirty-five.

The coxswain boarded her and the life-boat then stood by while tugs tried unsuccessfully to refloat her in the ebbing tide. As there was no immediate danger to life the life-boat then returned to her station arriving at 6.55 that night. The Teesmouth life-boat crew assembled, but were not needed.—-Rewards, £15 8s..