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The S.S. Ford Fisher

Fleetwood, Lancashire.—At 9.0 in the morning of the 30th of December, 1951, the Formby coastguard tele- phoned that he was keeping under observation a coaster on the east side of the River Wyre one and a half miles from the coastguard station. When he saw that she was driving over the Pilling Sands the life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched. It was then 10.15. A fresh westerly gale was blowing with a very rough sea.

The life-boat found the s.s. Ford Fisher, of Barrow, with a crew of eight near No. 6 Buoy. The life-boat stood by her while she was driven right over the sands, the coxswain advising her how to clear them. When she reached deeper water the life-boat put a pilot on board, and he took her to dock, accompanied by the life-boat, which then returned to her station at 3.0 that afternoon. The owners made a gift to the funds of the Institution.— Rewards, £21 6s..